Nita Good Book

Lately, I've been reading quite a bit a romance, mostly historical and paranormal with a little contemporary mixed in. I also enjoy fantasy, urban fantasy, and history.

A Spear of Summer Grass - Deanna Raybourn I really really liked the setting and characters in this book. On the surface Delilah seems like a very selfish, non-caring character. She uses it as a way of shielding people looking too deeply into her, because she herself doesn't want to look too deeply inside. But I feel like how she interacts with those she truly cares for and respects is telling. And as some of her past is revealed, I became more sympathetic. I did love that Delilah keeps her independent and sarcastic attitude throughout the whole book. I enjoyed her interactions with Ryder. It's a beautifully dramatic relationship.

Raybourn does a great job presenting Kenya. I loved her descriptions of the land and animals and Delilah and Ryder's reactions to and love for Kenya.

I wasn't too keen with the murder mystery part of the story. I would have just as much enjoyed a plot of Delilah only dealing with relationships and herself in the splendid setting of Kenya.

It's a beautifully written story. I think historical fiction fans will enjoy.

ARC provided through NetGalley.

Currently reading

A Storm of Swords
George R.R. Martin
The Burning Sky (The Elemental Trilogy)
Sherry Thomas
The Way of Kings
Brandon Sanderson