Nita Good Book

Lately, I've been reading quite a bit a romance, mostly historical and paranormal with a little contemporary mixed in. I also enjoy fantasy, urban fantasy, and history.

Demon Forged  - Meljean Brook I think this quote from the book expresses Alejandro (Olek) and Irena's relationship very well:

"Days will come when I will hate you Olek. But there will never come a second that I do not love you."

Irena is one tough cookie, and Alejandro absolutely loves her for that reason. An event that happened in their past has kept them willingly separated for a couple centuries. The story involves Irena working past her embarrassment and, as she comes to realize, a feeling of rejection and Alejandro his pride.

But this story is so much more. There is a revelation for Michael and much sadness for all the Guardians at the end. There is a great battle and deception from a friend. A character is forced to change and become something never imagined or wanted. I am addicted to this series. Brook writes a remarkable paranormal romance.

Currently reading

A Storm of Swords
George R.R. Martin
The Burning Sky (The Elemental Trilogy)
Sherry Thomas
The Way of Kings
Brandon Sanderson